April – Unveiling

“COOKIE!” – Cookie Monster

April is here and it’s time for cookies! And everyone knows that cookies are a serious business. So we got serious.


The MC presents the Envelopes


Silence in the room while the opening ceremony begins


The very first moments of the unveiling


The participants inspect their future recipes


Both sides wish each other good luck and are looking forward to future culinary collaborations


So what are we making this month? 

Noga: Shortbread

Rony: Brown Sugar Pecan Cookies


Noga: I can’t wait to eat the cookies Rony makes. That recipe has been on my wishlist for so long… at one point I even remember buying pecans in preparation, but I never made it. So the lazy way of having those yummy looking cookies is of course to have Rony make them for me. I’m brilliant. As for mine – shortbread!! ~lovely nostalgic memories from our trip to Scotland~ It’s one of those recipes that are too indulgent (2 sticks of butter, why don’tcha) that the only way I would make them is in this challenge when I’m being told to, and that way I can feel no guilt or shame.

Rony: I am actually really excited about this month! There is something exciting about cookies (especially after last month’s experience of trying to roll hot slippery apples). I think I will be a little bit naughty and ground the pecans for the batter – it reminds me of those kind of delicious butter+nuts soft and crumbly cookies. Cookies. Yum.


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