it is geek week!

Time to see if our geekness has aged well. I’m actually much less into Supernatural than I was back in 2016 (I ended up dropping off in the gazillionth season), but it does still have a place in my heart.


Yes, we are entering the world of Supernatural gifs. We may never leave!

I love the quote the recipe refers to, even though the episode itself is meh, and I love and empathize with Dean’s love for pies.

Ok lets get down to business. Or as Cas put it:

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The recipe Rony gave me is this one and she also kindly provided me with a link for a vegan pie crust, which is this one. TBH I majorly suck at dough. But I started out hopeful. First I mixed the dough in a food processor – it contained white spelt flour, coconut oil, ice water and some sugar and salt.


Because I suck at dough, I can’t gauge right when the dough consistency (is that the word?) is good enough. I may have needed more ice water. I thought I ended up with a nice enough ball of dough but then came the part I hate the most – rolling thinly and transferring to the tin. I never never never do this cleanly. So, this is the result of that:


The positive: I rolled it out very thinly which was good. The negative: of course it was a mess to transfer, tore away at various parts, and I ended up sort of giving up, throwing everything in there and just pressing with my fingers. This is why I hate dough. It’s just not for me.


While the failed crust chilled in the fridge, I moved on to filling. This is much easier obviously, but I did take some liberties here based on what I already had in the kitchen and because of my laziness to go out.

First of all, I didn’t have any vanilla whiskey (who does?). Rony wrote I could sub with apple cider, so that’s what I did. I swapped with apple cider vinegar the white wine vinegar I didn’t have (weirdly, listed in the ingredients but missing in the recipe itself), and I didn’t have cornstarch so I just didn’t use any. You toss the apples with these, plus lemon juice, vanilla, and a mix of sugar, flour and spices.


The topping is also easy enough: oats, flour, sugar, (supposed to include ground ginger but yuck), and coconut oil instead of the original recipe’s butter.

I would say this is an ok crumble topping, but it didn’t knock my socks off like the crumble I made back when I made this apple crumble cake.  That one is definitely the victor of vegan crumble, and it’s just flour, pecan and maple syrup.


And this is after baking. I love that the apples peek out from between the crumble bits.


It came out bubbling and I was worried it was going to be too wet and I was going to have a soggy bottom (oh no!), but somehow the thin dough held really well. It even cut alright:


All in all, a nice recipe. I won’t blame the dough recipe for my lack of dough competence, and may use it in the future. The filling as well was great, and very yummy, and in the future I might sub the topping for the one of the apple tea cake.

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On to December, the last month of the bake-off (!!!)